🟨 JavaScript 5 | 🪨 Rock 📄 Paper  ✂️ Scissors with functions()

🟨 JavaScript 5 | 🪨 Rock 📄 Paper  ✂️ Scissors with functions()

Instead of getting a ChatGPT exercise, today I just continued with the JavaScript course by SuperSimpleDev learned about functions in JavaScript. We upgraded the Rock Paper Scissors game code from last time by using functions, making the code much shorter.

Since I know functions from python there was not much of a surprise for me here, thats fortunately almost all the same 🙂

My Code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Rock Paper Scissors</title>

    <p>Rock Paper Scissors</p>
    <button onclick="
    <button onclick="
    <button onclick="
        function playGame(playerMove) {
            const computerMove = pickComputerMove();

            let result = '';

            if (playerMove === 'scissors') {
                if (computerMove === 'rock') {
                    result = 'You lose.';
                } else if (computerMove === 'paper') {
                    result = 'You win';
                } else if (computerMove === 'scissors') {
                    result = 'Tie';

            } else if (playerMove === 'paper') {
                if (computerMove === 'rock') {
                    result = 'You win.';
                } else if (computerMove === 'paper') {
                    result = 'Tie';
                } else if (computerMove === 'scissors') {
                    result = 'You lose';

            } else if (playerMove === 'rock') {
                if (computerMove === 'rock') {
                    result = 'Tie.';
                } else if (computerMove === 'paper') {
                    result = 'You Lose';
                } else if (computerMove === 'scissors') {
                    result = 'You Win';

            console.log(`You picked ${playerMove}. Computer picked ${computerMove}. ${result}`)


        function pickComputerMove() {
            let computerMove = '';
            const randomNumber = Math.random();
            if (randomNumber >= 0 && randomNumber < 1 / 3) {
                computerMove = 'rock';
            } else if (randomNumber >= 1 / 3 && randomNumber < 2 / 3) {
                computerMove = 'paper';
            } else {
                computerMove = 'scissors';

            return computerMove;
