🟨 JavaScript 3 | Simple Counter

🟨 JavaScript 3 | Simple Counter


2 min read

New day new JavaScript beginner Exercise! Here is what I got from ChatGPT today, and my solution below as always 😊

Create a Simple Counter

Objective: Build a web page with a button that, when clicked, increments a counter. This exercise will help you practice handling user events (like button clicks) and updating the webpage dynamically.


  1. HTML Setup: Create an HTML file with a button and a placeholder to display the counter's value.

  2. Initialize the Counter: In your JavaScript, start with a variable set to zero. This will keep track of the counter's value.

  3. Increase Counter on Button Click: Add an event listener to the button so that each time it's clicked, the counter variable increases by 1.

  4. Display the Counter: Update the counter display on the webpage each time the button is clicked.

  5. Styling (Optional): Add some basic CSS to make your button and counter display look nice.

My Code

Alright I am starting to get annoyed that I can’t remember the JavaScript syntax out of my head, because I was mostly able to do that with Python. But I guess that’s exactly why python is getting so popular: It’s so easy and obvious

Well anyways that doesn’t help me here. Instead I decided to recreate todays code so often until I can just write it on my own without any help of ChatGPT. Took me 4 attempts until I finally was able to do even tho it is so simple, phewww

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Simple Counter 4</title>
    <h1 id="countDisplay">0</h1>
    <button id="countButton">Count</button>
        let countDisplay = document.getElementById('countDisplay');
        let countButton = document.getElementById('countButton');
        let counter = 0;

        function incrementCounter() {
            countDisplay.textContent = counter;

        countButton.addEventListener('click', incrementCounter)
